Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Middle East Peace?

How about this: Move all the Israeli settlers from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip and all the Palestinians to the Israeli settlements on the West Bank. Then annex the Gaza strip and tear down the fences. Construct a wall along the original West Bank border leaving the former Israeli settlements (now occupied by Palestinians) inside the West Bank. Then open the West Bank to Jordan. That will consolidate the Israelis in one geographical area and the Palestinians in another. Palestine can govern itself in one self-contained geographical area.

Jerusalem to become an international open city. The Mayor of Jerusalem would be answerable to a commission made up of delegates from the three major religions. It should have its own police force similar to the Swiss Guards but independent of the three religions it protects

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gay Marriage ?

This from a friend: So, Larry King is getting his 8th divorce, Elizabeth Taylor is possibly getting married for a 9th time, Jesse James and Tiger Woods are screwing EVERYTHING, yet the idea of same-sex marriage is what is going to destroy the institution of marriage?? REALLY??... Feel free to copy and paste if you agree!......I agree.....Lou aka barcalounger Lou

Monday, April 19, 2010

Gun Laws

Gun laws are a fallacy. What crook is going to pay attention to gun laws? The rule should be that anyone using a firearm to commit a crime should have their sentence automatically doubled. Period!

In order to drive a car legally in this country you must prove that you can operate the car safely (road test) and know the rules of the road (written test). Then and only then can you be licensed to drive. Similarly, in order to own and operate a firearm you should prove that you can operate it safely and know the rules for safe handling and storage. Then, you can receive a permit to own one. Having satisfied the requirement for one, you can own multiple firearms. However, anyone whose firearm is stolen because of careless storage and used in a crime ought to receive the same punishment as the perpetrator. Any assault type weapon should be immediately confiscated unless it has been disabled by plugging the barrel. No “cop killer” ammo should be sold to civilians and possession should be criminalized

Second Amendment - Bearing Arms

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

A bunch of guys who rent a club house cannot declare themselves a militia. Notice it says “ A well regulated militia.” Those who would like to be in a well regulated militia should join the National Guard.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Freedom of Religion

I'm glad this country has freedom of religion. I wish it also had freedom FROM religion. There are some religious groups that think they have the absolute truth and they want to shove their archaic and Medieval thinking on the modern world. The Mormons had to give up polygamy because it was the law of the land. If people believe that the soul is embedded at conception (a completely unverifiable assumption) so don't have a abortion but let the rest of us have a choice. The Chinese don't believe and child is completely human until its first full year.