Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Prsident Obama

Sorry folks, President Obama has not performed any miracles, cured cancer or walked on water. Guess what, he’s a normal man, albeit very intelligent and dedicated; however he is not a miracle worker.

Let’s look at what he started with. A huge budget deficit, two wars that should never have happened, an incipient depression that could have been worse than 1929, and an opposition party determined to obstruct whatever he tried.

He faced:

The bank crash with its international connections which could have brought the advanced nations to their knees.
TARP bailed them out and stabilized the banking industry, which, by the way, is paying our government back with interest. He engineered banking and financial reform, trying to stop the rampant abuses of the last eight years.

The housing crisis when the value of houses dipped below their mortgaged value.
His policies prevented a total collapse.

Double digit unemployment.
He extended unemployment benefits, one of the fastest ways to get money into the economy.

A broken healthcare system designed to give huge profits to private insurance by letting them exclude the really needy.
Finally he brought our health care system into the 20th century, notice I didn’t say 21st.

He resumed START talks that had been started by Ronald Reagan.

And now for the kicker.

The BP oil spill caused by the lackadaisical oversight by the Bush Cheney Admin.

Too bad he isn’t also a petrological engineer. Maybe if he could really walk on water he could have swum down one mile and capped the wellhead 3 months ago.

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