Thursday, June 17, 2010


President Obama announced that BP will put $20B in escrow to cover the clean-up costs of the of oil spill and to compensate individuals for their losses.

I say not enough:

I think the US should put a lean on every asset that BP has. I think we should start to import every skimmer we can find, load them on these huge C-130's and fly them to the gulf. Furthermore, hire those unemployed due to the oil spill to help clean up the beaches and wet lands and charge BP for every cent. To sweeten the deal, workers should be paid tax free and not have their un-employment benefits reduced to which they’d normally be entitled.

In addition, all board members and top executives of BP be put on notice that criminal charges may be brought against them for misfeasance and violation of public trust.

Personally, I like to see a truck load of dead, oil soaked pelicans delivered to BP’s board offices.

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