Monday, June 7, 2010

More nonsense in the middle east!

What’s with this revolting attack on a Turkish aid vessel?

I would like to go over there and knock some Arab/Israeli heads together. What both sides fail to realize is that both peoples have every right to be there. The Semitic peoples have lived in Asia Minor from the fertile crescent to the Mediterranean Sea since the start of recorded time.

Traditionally, Palestine refers to the area from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea. On the basis of a League of Nations mandate, the British administered Palestine after World War I, promising to establish a Jewish homeland therein.

At the end of WWII, as Britain divested itself of some of its holdings, and in spite of the Balfour Declaration, the British very much favored the Arabs leaving them strategic positions. The Jews, thinking rightly that they were being screwed, fought tooth and nail to secure a homeland for themselves.

For all sorts of “realpolitik” both Palestinians and Israelis are being urged to do one thing or another that doesn’t auger well for peace.

Ignore the USA, UN, NATO and all the other well meaning organizations.
Iran talks tough but doesn’t live next door. Saudi Arabia is busy seeding unrest, and they don’t even let their women drive. Iraq is a mess thanks to Bush/Cheney. Syria is a cat’s paw for Iran.

Dummies! You need one another! Stop listening to outsiders and do what is good for you. If you would stop shooting at each other for awhile, I bet you could find lots of ways you could help each other out. Make the dessert bloom again!

See my previous blog on Middle East Peace.

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