Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Our President

This was sent to me by a Canadian friend. I believe it should be posted.

America - He's your President for Goodness Sake!

By William Thomas
Posted: Friday, October 1st, 2010

There was a time not so long ago when Americans, regardless of their political stripes, rallied round their president. Once elected, the man who won the White House was no longer viewed as a Republican or Democrat, but the President of the United States. The oath of office was taken, the wagons were circled around the country and it̢۪s borders and it was America versus the rest of the world with the president of all the people at the helm.

Suddenly President Barack Obama, with the potential to become an exceptional president has become the glaring exception to that unwritten, patriotic rule.

Four days before President Obama's inauguration, before he officially took charge of the American government, Rush Limbaugh boasted publicly that he hoped the president would fail. Of course, when the president fails the country flounders. Wishing harm upon your country in order to further your own narrow political views is selfish, sinister and a tad treasonous as well.

Subsequently, during his State of the Union address, which is pretty much a pep rally for America, an unknown congressional representative from South Carolina, later identified as Joe Wilson, stopped the show when he called the President of the United States a liar. The president showed great restraint in ignoring this unprecedented insult and carried on with his speech. Speaker Nancy Pelosi was so stunned by the slur, she forgot to jump to her feet while clapping wildly, 30 or 40 times after that.

Last spring, President Obama took his wife Michelle to see a play in New York City and republicans attacked him over the cost of security for the excursion. The president cannot take his wife out to dinner and a show without being scrutinized by the political opposition? As history has proven, a president in a theatre without adequate security is a tragically bad idea.

Remember: Apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?

At some point, the treatment of President Obama went from offensive to ugly and then to downright dangerous.

The health-care debate, which looked more like extreme fighting in a mud pit than a national dialogue, revealed a very vulgar side of America. President Obama's face appeared on protest signs white-faced and blood-mouthed in a satanic clown image. In other tasteless portrayals, people who disagreed with his position distorted his face to look like Hitler complete with mustache and swastika.

Odd, that burning the flag makes Americans crazy, but depicting the president as a clown and a maniacal fascist is accepted as part of the new rude America.

Maligning the image of the leader of the free world is one thing, putting the president's life in peril is quite another. More than once, men with guns were videotaped at the health-care rallies where the president spoke. Again, history shows that letting men with guns get within range of a president has not served America well in the past.

And still the birther's are out there claiming Barack Obama was not born in the United States, although public documentation proves otherwise. Hawaii is definitely part of the United States, but the Panama Canal Zone where his electoral opponent Senator John McCain was born? Nobody cares.

Last month, a 44-year-old woman in Buffalo was quite taken by President Obama when she met him in a chicken wing restaurant called Duff's. Did she say something about a pleasure and an honour to meet the man or utter encouraging words for the difficult job he is doing? No. Quote: You're a hottie with a smoking little body.

Lady, that was the President of the United States you were addressing, not one of the Jonas Brothers! He's your president for goodness sakes, not the guy driving the Zamboni at Monster Trucks On Ice. Maybe next it'll be, Take Your President To A Topless Bar Day.

In President Barack Obama, Americans have a charismatic leader with a good and honest heart. Unlike his predecessor, he's a very intelligent leader. And unlike that president's predecessor, he's a highly moral man.

In President Obama, Americans have the real deal, the whole package and a leader that citizens of almost every country around the world look to with great envy. Given the opportunity, Canadians would trade our leader, hell, most of our leaders for Obama in a heartbeat.

What America has in Obama is a head of state with vitality and insight and youth. Think about it, Barack Obama is a young Nelson Mandela. Mandela was the face of change and charity for all of Africa but he was too old to make it happen. The great things Obama might do for America and the world could go on for decades after he's out of office.

America, you know not what you have.

The man is being challenged unfairly, characterized with vulgarity and treated with the kind of deep disrespect to which no previous president was subjected. It's like the day after electing the first black man to be president, thereby electrifying the world with hope and joy, Americans sobered up and decided the bad old days were better.

President Obama may fail but it will not be a Richard Nixon default fraught with larceny and lies. President Obama, given a fair chance, will surely succeed but his triumph will never come with a Bill Clinton caveat if only he'd got control of that zipper.

Please. Give the man a fair, fighting chance. This incivility toward the leader who won over Americans and gave hope to billions of people around the world that their lives could be enhanced by his example, just naturally has to stop.

Believe me, when Americans drive by the White House and see a sign on the lawn that reads: No shirt. No shoes. No service, they'll realize this new national rudeness has gone way, way too far.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Westboro Baptist Church

There is before the Supreme Court a defense of the First Amendment right of free speech by the Westboro Baptist Church. They are the picketers who go to soldiers’ funerals or interments with such placards as: God hates fags, God hates America because they tolerate fags, God hates Obama, You’re going to hell, etc.......

I suspect they’ll win the case, and I do believe in free speech no matter how reprehensible it might be.

I do object, however, to them calling themselves Christians. Do you know what that humble Rabbi Joshua aka Jesus of Galilee said about Gays? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Not one of his biographers or subsequent followers said anything about homosexuality.

Jesus went around talking about the Kingdom of God with a big smile and an open heart. There is one episode recorded about his forgiveness of an adulteress recorded by John.....

“4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.”

John 8: 4-11

Westboro Baptist Church spreads hate. Jesus of Galilee, on whom the Christian Church is based, spread love.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Recession Raises Poverty Rate to a 15-Year High

From the New York Times


Published: September 16, 2010

The percentage of Americans struggling below the poverty line in 2009 was the highest it has been in 15 years, 1 in 7 Americans live below the poverty line the Census Bureau reported Thursday, and interviews with poverty experts and aid groups said the increase appeared to be continuing this year.

What a sad commentary on one of the riches nations in the world. Yet many Senators want to extend the Bush era tax cuts to the very wealthiest Americans. The same Senators are cutting food stamp aid. I guess we know who they listen to and it’s not the poor.

FRAC Statement: Senate Moves Forward on $11.9 Billion Cut in SNAP Benefits; Legislation Needs to Be Fixed Before Passage

Today, the Senate voted for cloture on a bill which reduces SNAP (food stamps) benefits to generate $11.9 billion to pay for items added to the Federal Aviation Administration Bill, including aid to states and funding for teachers' salaries and FMAP (Medicaid). While FRAC supports these important legislative priorities, it is unacceptable to pay for any priority by cutting benefits for the hungriest people in the country. FRAC.org 13 Million US Children are Hungry. Learn how you can help.

www.AmpleHarvest.org Donate Food to the Needy Help End Hunger in America.


Nanuet Food Pantries | Nanuet Soup Kitchens


Friday, September 10, 2010


8:46:40: Flight 11 crashes at roughly 490 mph into the north face of the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

9:03:04: Flight 175 crashes at about 590 mph into the south face of the South Tower of the World Trade Center

9:37:46: Flight 77 crashes into the western side of the Pentagon and starts a violent fire.

10:03:11: United Airlines Flight 93 is crashed by its hijackers and passengers, due to fighting in the cockpit 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh in Somerset County, Pennsylvania..

There were a total of 2,996 deaths, including the 19 hijackers and 2,977 victims. The victims were distributed as follows: 246 on the four planes (from which there were no survivors), 2,606 in New York City in the towers and on the ground, and 125 at the Pentagon. All the deaths in the attacks were civilians except for 55 military personnel killed at the Pentagon.

More than 90 countries lost citizens

A total of 411 emergency workers who responded to the scene died as they attempted to rescue people and fight fires. The New York City Fire Department lost 341 firefighters and 2 paramedics. The New York City Police Department lost 23 officers. The Port Authority Police Department lost 37 officers, and 8 additional EMTs and paramedics from private EMS units were killed.

It is right that the rebuilding of the twin towers should include memorial space.

Let’s not forget the brave souls who tried to wrest the controls back from the hijackers on United Airlines Flight 93. There have been locations and designs for such a memorial, but a controversy rages on.

The Pentagon has built a memorial to the 184 persons killed in the attack by Flight 77. There are 184 chairs, each with a victim’s name inscribed. The Memorial was dedicated and opened to the public on September 11, 2008.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Is Obama a Muslim?

There are some ill-informed persons who still believe that President Obama is a Muslim, all evidence to the contrary. But that’s beside the point! I thought we got over that when a Catholic (John Kennedy) was elected President and when a Jew (Joe Lieberman) ran as vice presidential candidate with Al Gore in 2000.

The religion of a candidate in this SECULAR United States should make no difference, only his views on the issues that matter to the electorate.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Freedom of Religion

Is it only for religions we like?

The Constitution of the United States of America
Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I can’t see any reason why Muslims can’t refurbish a building no longer usable to make a cultural center which would include a Mosque.

These are facts contrary to the right wing rant-o-philes

1. It’s Not at Ground Zero (its several blocks away)*

2. It’s Not Strictly A Mosque (it’s a cultural center open to everyone)*

3. You Can’t Simultaneously Acknowledge A Right And Insist That Your Government Suppress It*

But that’s beside the point: as our President said, “As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. And that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan,....”

I am grateful to:
* http://www.cracked.com/blog/3-reasons-the-ground-zero-mosque-debate-makes-no-sense/

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Two persons of sound mind (although the fact that they want to get “married” puts in doubt the “sound mind”) get a “license” to marry from the County Clerk, then a state appointed functionary (JP, judge, priest, rabbi, etc.) witnesses the contract, and the state issues a “marriage” certificate. If subsequently the couple wishes to dissolve the contract they go to a state court to do so. “Marriage” confers on the couple certain rights, privileges, and responsibilities i.e., right to inheritance, not to be forced to testify against each other, etc. “Marriage” is a State function and it should properly be called a Civil Union.

If the couple would like to have their “marriage” blessed or sanctified by their community of faith they a free to do so. Their Pastor, Priest, Rabbi, Imam, or whatever, can perform such a ceremony, record the fact in their records and give the couple a Marriage Certificate to that effect.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Religio/Cultural issues

France is planning to ban the Burqa, “an all-enveloping cloak worn by some Muslim women.” The clue here is “some Muslim women.” The vast majority of Muslim women wear only the hijab, or head scarf. Similarly orthodox Jewish women cover their hair or wear a wig. Jewish men have their heads covered.
It would seem then that the burqa is cultural and not part of religious observance.

There are many other religio/cultural issues. Take for example marriage. Anyone who has read any history knows that in various times and places there was polyandry, polygamy, and variations in between including group marriage. The Mormon practice of polygamy was and is a religious issue. Islam allows for up to four wives which also is a religious practice sanctioned by the Prophet himself. In India arranged marriages are very common, a practice adhered to by many U.S. naturalized Indians. Similarly, Hasidic jews often arrange marriages among their fold. For my part, I have no problem so long as coercion is not involved.

Let’s face it: we American are having problems letting loose of the “one man, one woman.” Remember the Shakers -- they had, effectively, no marriage at all. It unfortunately ended their practices. What is wrong with adults of sound mind voluntarily entering into a complex relationship that meets their needs and is satisfying to their souls? Communes are just a shade more intimate than condos.

We have a wide variety of religious practices in this wonderful country of ours: Shakers - there are a few left*, Amish, Mennonites, Mormons, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Christians of a wide variety, Rastifarians, Taoists, Wiccans, Quakers, and many, many more.

There is room for all; however, there are limits to some religio/cultural practices, namely human or animal sacrifice, stoning women for adultery, or cutting off the hands of thieves. Also. in lesser ways, practices that tend to hide identities: KKK, burqas, etc. There is also something un-American in secret societies.

We are, after all is said and done, a free and open society. Let’s coexist.

* Sabbath Day Lake village, New Gloucester, Maine

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The leaks only confirm what we know about war, it’s a nasty business. Wars are fought for territory(as in WWII) or treasure(as in the middle east i.e., oil) The reality of war is that civilian casualties far exceed the number of combatants on both sides.

How many more lives for a gallon of gasoline?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Prsident Obama

Sorry folks, President Obama has not performed any miracles, cured cancer or walked on water. Guess what, he’s a normal man, albeit very intelligent and dedicated; however he is not a miracle worker.

Let’s look at what he started with. A huge budget deficit, two wars that should never have happened, an incipient depression that could have been worse than 1929, and an opposition party determined to obstruct whatever he tried.

He faced:

The bank crash with its international connections which could have brought the advanced nations to their knees.
TARP bailed them out and stabilized the banking industry, which, by the way, is paying our government back with interest. He engineered banking and financial reform, trying to stop the rampant abuses of the last eight years.

The housing crisis when the value of houses dipped below their mortgaged value.
His policies prevented a total collapse.

Double digit unemployment.
He extended unemployment benefits, one of the fastest ways to get money into the economy.

A broken healthcare system designed to give huge profits to private insurance by letting them exclude the really needy.
Finally he brought our health care system into the 20th century, notice I didn’t say 21st.

He resumed START talks that had been started by Ronald Reagan.

And now for the kicker.

The BP oil spill caused by the lackadaisical oversight by the Bush Cheney Admin.

Too bad he isn’t also a petrological engineer. Maybe if he could really walk on water he could have swum down one mile and capped the wellhead 3 months ago.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


With 100 Dead, June is Deadliest Month for NATO Troops in Afghanistan (Slate Magazine)

“What are they dying for?” you might ask. Is it protecting our borders, preserving our liberty or bringing democracy to unenlightened barbarians, or to protect our oil supplies? If you guessed oil you are right. And now American firms can also exploit the mineral resources of Afghanistan if enough young men die to prop up a corrupt and unpopular government..

The very first order of business when Hamid Karzai was placed in office was to sign a deal allowing an oil pipeline through Afghanistan and Pakistan to tap the oil fields of the “stans” around the Caspian Sea.

“In 1998, Dick Cheney, US vice-president but then chief executive of a major oil services company, remarked: ‘I cannot think of a time when we have had a region emerge as suddenly to become as strategically significant as the Caspian.’ But the oil and gas there is worthless until it is moved.. The only route which makes both political and economic sense is through Afghanistan.” [Guardian]

“On February 12, 1998, John J. Maresca, vice president-international relations for UNOCAL oil company, testified before the US House of Representatives’ Committee on International Relations. Maresca provided information to Congress on Central Asia oil and gas reserves and how they might shape US foreign policy. UNOCAL's problem? As Maresca said: ‘How to get the region's vast energy resources to the markets?’ The oil reserves are in areas north of Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Russia. Routes for a pipeline were proposed that would transport oil on a 42-inch pipe southward thru Afghanistan for 1040 miles to the Pakistan coast. Such a pipeline would cost about $2.5 billion and carry about 1 million barrels of oil per day.” (I am indebted to Bill Sardi http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig/sardi7.html )

Yes folks, our young men and women are dying for oil and mineral resources! How many lives for a tankful of gasoline?

Thursday, June 17, 2010


President Obama announced that BP will put $20B in escrow to cover the clean-up costs of the of oil spill and to compensate individuals for their losses.

I say not enough:

I think the US should put a lean on every asset that BP has. I think we should start to import every skimmer we can find, load them on these huge C-130's and fly them to the gulf. Furthermore, hire those unemployed due to the oil spill to help clean up the beaches and wet lands and charge BP for every cent. To sweeten the deal, workers should be paid tax free and not have their un-employment benefits reduced to which they’d normally be entitled.

In addition, all board members and top executives of BP be put on notice that criminal charges may be brought against them for misfeasance and violation of public trust.

Personally, I like to see a truck load of dead, oil soaked pelicans delivered to BP’s board offices.

Monday, June 7, 2010

More nonsense in the middle east!

What’s with this revolting attack on a Turkish aid vessel?

I would like to go over there and knock some Arab/Israeli heads together. What both sides fail to realize is that both peoples have every right to be there. The Semitic peoples have lived in Asia Minor from the fertile crescent to the Mediterranean Sea since the start of recorded time.

Traditionally, Palestine refers to the area from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea. On the basis of a League of Nations mandate, the British administered Palestine after World War I, promising to establish a Jewish homeland therein.

At the end of WWII, as Britain divested itself of some of its holdings, and in spite of the Balfour Declaration, the British very much favored the Arabs leaving them strategic positions. The Jews, thinking rightly that they were being screwed, fought tooth and nail to secure a homeland for themselves.

For all sorts of “realpolitik” both Palestinians and Israelis are being urged to do one thing or another that doesn’t auger well for peace.

Ignore the USA, UN, NATO and all the other well meaning organizations.
Iran talks tough but doesn’t live next door. Saudi Arabia is busy seeding unrest, and they don’t even let their women drive. Iraq is a mess thanks to Bush/Cheney. Syria is a cat’s paw for Iran.

Dummies! You need one another! Stop listening to outsiders and do what is good for you. If you would stop shooting at each other for awhile, I bet you could find lots of ways you could help each other out. Make the dessert bloom again!

See my previous blog on Middle East Peace.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Oil Spill

We now know the hazards of “drill baby drill.” Now’s a good time to raise the price of gasoline to match the other industrialized countries of the world, to wit $6/gal. Yup! Check out the chart on http://money.cnn.com/pf/features/lists/global_gasprices/

Currently New Jersey is paying $ 2.50 - 2.75/gal. If the federal government raised taxes on gasoline to $ 6/gal we could begin to pay down the national debt and revitalize our infrastructure which is in sad shape. According to government statistics in 2007 we Americans used 3.4 trillion gallons of gasoline. At current prices that would raise about 5 trillion dollars for infrastructure rebuilding. For instance, they say that 57% of energy is wasted because of our antiquated electric grid; it needs an extreme make-over.

There are a number of other benefits to raising gas prices: increased used of mass transit; appeal of small, fuel- efficient cars; and generally increased consciousness of energy consumption.

Embrace Radical Efficiency:

Lots of energy could be saved by simple measures around the home, such as better insulation, the use of solar water heating systems, better shading and ventilation. Re-use, repair, recycle!

Further, let’s look at alternative sources of energy:

Wind Power: Some say the environmental impact is negative, but I say far less so than oil spills. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKSLzIBT_dY See below on storage

Coal: There is a plant in NJ being built by Future Gen, see:

The problem isn’t the plant itself, which ultimately green, but with coal supply. We shouldn’t use mountain-top coal at all, and deep mining and strip mining need to be strictly regulated by the EPA and OSHA.

Micro nuclear: see http://www.nuscalepower.com/

But the problem of safe recycling of the nuclear fuel still exists, as for larger units.

Solar Energy: see http://www.clean-energy-ideas.com/articles/pros_and_cons_of_solar_energy.html
See below on storage

Hydro Power: We’ve reached the limits

Biomass: In 2005, the U.S. departments of agriculture and energy teamed up to project the annual supply of biomass for energy use. It turns out to be the equivalent of 4.1 billion barrels of oil, or 58% of the countries annual oil consumption.

Storage: Both wind power and solar power require storage devices, i.e., batteries. When the wind blows and the sun shines they generate electricity, but it’s not necessarily when you want it. Therefore you need to store it.

I am indebted to the June 2010 issue of “Discover” magazine for many ideas and quotes.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tea Party?

As quoted in the May 28, 2010 issue of "The Week" magazine, Rand Paul said “We have come to take our government back.”

How far back does he want to take us? Back before civil rights to Jim Crow? Back to KKK? Back before women’s suffrage? Back to slavery? Back to killing Indians? Back to when only WASPs counted?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Legalize marijuana

What’s wrong with this picture? We spend millions of dollars trying (unsuccessfully) to interdict the distribution of marijuana When we could make possession of small quantities legal and raise millions in tax revenue. Why don’t we sell it through liquor stores where it can be easily controlled and taxed (sin tax). Research tells us that it is less harmful than either cigarettes or alcohol. On the street it sells for approximately $5 per joint but the makings are virtually cost free. We could be making $4.95 in taxes on each joint. Sell it as a five pack for $20 and make a fortune in taxes. Set the DEA to collecting import taxes on marijuana coming in from outside the US.

Remember the gang wars during prohibition? That’s what we have in Mexico right now. Why? Because the financial rewards are just too great. Take that away the money and the wars stop.

Another benefit would be to clear out our jails the non-violent small-time user (small fish). We never seem to catch the major suppliers (big fish). Many could be put on parole using leg bracelets and the correction officers released could be used as parole officers. Get the promise of a job and you’re out on parole. A lot cheaper than the $ 40,000 per year to keep them locked up.

Looks like a win-win situation to me!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Middle East Peace?

How about this: Move all the Israeli settlers from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip and all the Palestinians to the Israeli settlements on the West Bank. Then annex the Gaza strip and tear down the fences. Construct a wall along the original West Bank border leaving the former Israeli settlements (now occupied by Palestinians) inside the West Bank. Then open the West Bank to Jordan. That will consolidate the Israelis in one geographical area and the Palestinians in another. Palestine can govern itself in one self-contained geographical area.

Jerusalem to become an international open city. The Mayor of Jerusalem would be answerable to a commission made up of delegates from the three major religions. It should have its own police force similar to the Swiss Guards but independent of the three religions it protects

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gay Marriage ?

This from a friend: So, Larry King is getting his 8th divorce, Elizabeth Taylor is possibly getting married for a 9th time, Jesse James and Tiger Woods are screwing EVERYTHING, yet the idea of same-sex marriage is what is going to destroy the institution of marriage?? REALLY??... Feel free to copy and paste if you agree!......I agree.....Lou aka barcalounger Lou

Monday, April 19, 2010

Gun Laws

Gun laws are a fallacy. What crook is going to pay attention to gun laws? The rule should be that anyone using a firearm to commit a crime should have their sentence automatically doubled. Period!

In order to drive a car legally in this country you must prove that you can operate the car safely (road test) and know the rules of the road (written test). Then and only then can you be licensed to drive. Similarly, in order to own and operate a firearm you should prove that you can operate it safely and know the rules for safe handling and storage. Then, you can receive a permit to own one. Having satisfied the requirement for one, you can own multiple firearms. However, anyone whose firearm is stolen because of careless storage and used in a crime ought to receive the same punishment as the perpetrator. Any assault type weapon should be immediately confiscated unless it has been disabled by plugging the barrel. No “cop killer” ammo should be sold to civilians and possession should be criminalized

Second Amendment - Bearing Arms

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

A bunch of guys who rent a club house cannot declare themselves a militia. Notice it says “ A well regulated militia.” Those who would like to be in a well regulated militia should join the National Guard.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Freedom of Religion

I'm glad this country has freedom of religion. I wish it also had freedom FROM religion. There are some religious groups that think they have the absolute truth and they want to shove their archaic and Medieval thinking on the modern world. The Mormons had to give up polygamy because it was the law of the land. If people believe that the soul is embedded at conception (a completely unverifiable assumption) so don't have a abortion but let the rest of us have a choice. The Chinese don't believe and child is completely human until its first full year.